Saturday, September 12, 2009


Hello Family. Sooooo it is almost 1:00 a.m. and the boys are sound asleep. I on the other hand felt it would be a good idea to take a 'short' nap with Caleb today...key word being short. Well, I forgot that Caleb is getting two molars and hasn't been feeling the best and so he ended up sleeping for THREE hours! So, needless to say, the 'short' nap idea was quickly thrown out the window as I too slept for three hours figuring he'd wake up in an hour or so. Oops. Anyhow, as a result of that I am now wide awake, and so I figured I would post a couple quick pics of the boy. Caleb is growing up so fast and learning so much. He does something new every day that makes me laugh. He is quite the flirt. He goes to our neighbor Jen's house for four hours a day so I can get some work done at home and she says he LOVES to give kisses to all the kids. He has also learned to use it on me when he is being told no. It makes it very hard to keep a straight face. His most recent milestone is he started walking last month. I guess he feels he has conquered that because he has now decided to start climbing. Well, we got a gift certificate to get professional pictures done for his birthday, which we keep making appointments to have done, but it seems the day before each appointment he manages to either fall off of or into something and smacks his head or scratches his face and we end up putting it off until the next week until the bruise or lump has healed. Well, we've been doing that for the past two months now and have come to the conclusion that that will never happen because as soon as the bruise is finally gone it is promptly replaced with a new one. So I guess boys will be boys and bruises are pretty much inevitable. So be expecting some 'one year old' pictures of him soon, bruise or no bruise.

He looks more and more like Seth every day!

Caleb with his new birthday ride

He already loves books! He loves to play in his book chest.

Caleb being a ham soaking up all the attention.

Birthday cupcakes! Yum!

Look at those baby blues!

And, yes, that is yet another dog. I know. I know.

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