Rya's breastfeeding group had a party for everyone's second birthday. I was the unofficial, non- parent photographer. If you look closely you can still see the cupcake:)

Looking at Auntie's camera or blueberries-hmm easy-blueberries. I thought it was a good one of Rya and David.

Tina, me and Linds hanging out .

This is when Tina and I went to PA to visit our friend Josh. We are showing off our BFF rings which we bought for 8 dollars from Sears. Yes, we have some serious bling!

Soooo, I don't take a lot of pictures but I thought these were some nice ones. As far as my life is going, lots has changed. I haven't written since the beginning of October. My boss (Ron) got fired-HOORAY! He wasn't the easiest person to get along with, but this also means that I got an informal promotion-I am now the Lab Manager! I am enjoying the position so far but it is lots of work. This is only a temporary position tho-Bill (a guy from inside the company) will be taking over sometime after the new year.
My company is still moving from Gaithersburg, MD to Leesburg, VA, and we are hoping to be in the new facility by the end of March-oiy. I still work both jobs so I pretty much work 7 days a week all the time although tomorrow I have off cause I am moving. I have decided to move in with Rya and Ben for the time being. They very graciously offered to let me live there while I figure out work and life (at least a little bit). I really do miss the north and am seriously considering moving back perhaps in the spring/summer. I am also looking to buy a car-eekkk-so keep that in ya'll prayers.
Tina is moving back to Kentucky so my social life is leaving:( buuut I will get to play with David at all times so that will be a blast. Watch out boys! He'll be a hard act to follow-he is sweet, smart, gooooood looooooking and the reigning lightweight champion of Alexandria Virginia (see the Runkle's blog). I had Thanksgiving at Rya and Ben's-which was fabulous. It is crazy how well David can speak now and Rya n Ben have a great video of what happens when little ones eat sugar.
I am really excited to come home for Christmas it will be a blast! I hope everyone is doing fabulous. Love you all very much. God Bless.
p.s. HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY DADDY!! you're a pretty sharp looking guy and you've "got the cutest little baby face"-love you!
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