Monday, October 8, 2007

Springli's Life

Hey guys!

Not too much going on here. My boss is on vacation this week so it is just me and the part time guy, Dave, in the lab. For those of you who don't know I have a job as a chemist/lab tech for the Composit Panel Association in Gaithersburg MD (about a 2hr daily commute). I test the physical and chemical properties of composit panels, nothing too exciting, but I am glad to have a job using my degree. I still work at the bar on the weekends. My life is pretty busy between the two jobs but for fun I run, go out with friends and visit the Runkles (Rya lives about 30mins away). This weekend I will be heading over to Rya and Ben's for their house warming party and next weekend my good friend Tina and I will be driving to PA to visit a good friend. Hope everyone is doing well!

Love and Prayers,

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