Monday, December 17, 2007
Hello from the Runkles
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
BJJ Tourny
Team Mofut -My instructor Andy, Michelle and myself

This video is of the end of my first Absolute Gi match when I triangled the girl.

My instructor, Andy, going for a choke.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Christmas List
Both Greg and I would appreciate anything around the theme of hiking. I'm providing a couple of ideas here, but you can also go the gift card route if you'd like.
Wool Cresta Hiking Socks (midwieght) TA48328 1 pr = $13.50; 2 pr = $21.50
Greg wears size 8 1/2 shoe; Meg is size 6
Leki Ultralite Treking Poles TA 50343 $109
Power Dry Underwear (midweight)
Men's: Zip-Ts: TA51252 size XL $36 Storm Blue or Grey are preferred
Pants: TA51256 size XL $29.50
Women's: Zip-Ts: TA51253 Size L $36 Nautral or Blue for the top
Pants: TA51257 Size L $29.50 Black or Natural for bottom
Timberledge Hiking Shirts
Men's: Long Sleeve: TA54956 XL $39
Shirt Sleeve: TA55716 XL $29
Women's: Long Sleeve: TA54858 L $39
Shirt Sleeve: TA55716 L $29
Timberledge Hiking Shorts and Pants - XL for Greg; L for Meg; Ash or any dark color
Men's: TA53757, 53756, 54937
Women's: TA53768, 53767
Thanks! We can't wait to see you all very, very soon!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Greg's shop pictures
Rocking Out in VA

Rya's breastfeeding group had a party for everyone's second birthday. I was the unofficial, non- parent photographer. If you look closely you can still see the cupcake:)

Looking at Auntie's camera or blueberries-hmm easy-blueberries. I thought it was a good one of Rya and David.

Tina, me and Linds hanging out .

This is when Tina and I went to PA to visit our friend Josh. We are showing off our BFF rings which we bought for 8 dollars from Sears. Yes, we have some serious bling!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
New Phone Numbers
Seth 801-755-1606
Lindsay 801-755-0075
Only one more month until we get to come to Maine!
Monday, November 12, 2007
To Whom it May Concern
World Peace, man. (Will settle for United States being sole super power)
Long Johns
Books-Crow Killer(About John Johnson mountain man), Lone Survivor, Day of Empire(All non-fiction), and anything historical or political on Ben's list.
Snow shoes
Chimineya? Iron like Dad's, not clay
Work Coveralls for winter
Windbreaker outer shell waterproof type deal
Sunday, November 4, 2007
BJJ Tournament
So anyway, in this tournament there were two categories Gi (traditional martial arts uniform) and No Gi. And in the women's category there were 2 weight classes: Featherweight, 130lbs, and under and Super Featherweight, 130lbs and over. I weighed in at 120, but there was no one in my weight class so I had to go up a class. The smallest girl I fought was 143 lbs!!! I fought a total of 4 matches: 2 gi and 2 no gi. I won my first fight in no gi and then lost my second- Both went the full 5 minutes and went to a judge's decision. I almost asked for a DNA test on the second girl I had to fight!!! She was a bit scary, but I was happy with my fights. I took second in No Gi.

Working open guard against Liz (147 lbs) durring our Gi match
My roommate Randy also competed and he took 4th in Gi in his weight class. My instructors are Bruce Caralton, probably the best all around martial artist in the State, and Alexey Cruze/Pickerel. He is a 3rd degree Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt from Brazil and is one of the highest ranking Jiu-Jitsu guys on the east cost.

Bruce, Me, Alexey, and Randy- I guess I look pretty small compared to all of them!!

After the tournament Randy and I went to a Pirates and Wench's Halloween party....I made him dress up as my wench (because I placed higher in the tournament then he). Here's a pic with all the roommates

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I Love to Blog
Just kidding. Here are some pictures of our cozy new home in Utah County, Utah. The most conservative county in the country. Sweet. Lindsay has her first of many appointments on Nov. 30th for her nine week check-up and there's a good chance we will be able to hear the heart beat. Very Cool! The baby is currently the size of a poppy seed. When he is all grown up to the size of a kidney bean he will have eyelids and webbed hands. Cute. The due date is July 7th so there's a chance he/she will be an Independence Day Baby! Of course then it will be named after a Founding Father or Colonial General. I like Artemus Ward Payeur. Lindsay just hit me.

Here are just a few pics of Lindsay and myself at the sand dunes (Sweet Shirt Lindsay!) and Park City where the Olympics were held.

Monday, October 29, 2007
The Runkles Visit to Maine
He had his pick of prime pumpkin seats! We grew over 40 pumpkins this year and donated most of them to the children's wing of Maine Medical Center. Greg took them in and they used wheel chairs to transport the pumpkins up the elevators. They were quite the sight and got lots of smiles along the way. The kids loved them!
We had to graduate to a bigger toy box...Marie, do you recognize this? It used to be lime green with decoupaged pictures on top!!! Brings back memories! Mr. Potato Head is still an all time favorite though...he's hard to beat.