Sunday, February 27, 2011

Babies Liam and Adisyn -- 22 weeks

Here is a quick baby update: I had my 22 week appointment last week and was told they both look great...phew!!! They both weigh about 1 lb 4 oz, although the boy's head and belly are quite a bit bigger than his sister's.
They also looked at their brains, heart chambers, lips, stomachs, etc. to make sure they have all their pieces...and, good news, they did!
I know the profile pictures do look quite a bit alike; however, if you look carefully at the top lip, Baby B's (Liam) protrudes out more than Baby A's (Adisyn), which is funny because Caleb's lips in his profile pic at this step in development protruded the EXACT same way, so it will be interesting to see if they look alike :)
We can't believe they will be here in three months -- give or take. We're shooting for June 1st.

Here are the partners in crime at 14 weeks.

Baby B = Liam
Baby A = Adisyn

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