Saturday morning March 20th. Showed up in D.C. with 40,000 other people to urge congress to kill the "health care" bill.

A lot of the crowd were Tea Party enthusiasts.

Conservative congresswoman Michelle Bachman

Jon Voight

Iowa congressman Steve King, who called the "press conference" that saturday at noon. He announced it thursday morning on the Glen Beck show and 40,000 people showed up on Sat. at noon.

After the "press conference" A lot of people gathered at the Capitol steps and a number of legislators came out and addressed the crowd. These guys never came down but just looked on looking smug.

This is congressman Lynn Westmooreland from Georgia who explained to a few of us the reason for the smuggness. At this point in the weekend there were not enough committed votes to pass the bill. But Westmooreland explained to us in detail who was going to be bought off or coerced and how and predicted the the final vote precisely.

This was the most polite cleanest and mature group of people I have ever seen. But Nancy Pelosi still sent these guys out. To their credit though they were very well disciplined and polite themselves.

Some Conservative congressmen addressing the crowd with a bullhorn.

My favorite picture from the weekend.
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