Monday, June 29, 2009

Hey guess what I moved again!

Yup, I did it; I moved again. This time I'm living in South Portland. A good friend of mine, Charley, is in Afghanistan for the year, and I have been watching his apartment building while he's gone; so I'm moving into his apartment for the rest of the year. I'm very excited to live alone for a while! :) I did a little painting before I moved in, and friends, Linda and Amie came over one day to help. Only Linda had never painted before in her life and Amie had a few beers before attempting to paint trim so I'm not really sure how much help they were, but we had a good time.

Goofing off at Home Depot!

Linda, first time with a paint roller!
Yes, I was laughing so hard I fell over into the freshly painted wall!!

"OMG like is this how we paint?"

Ok that's all I have time for now... more to come soon hopefully :)

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