Sunday, May 4, 2008
Belly Pics and Stuff
Greetings from Utah County Utah where winter never ends. It snowed on May 1st. It's so great to have four seasons again:-) We got some belly pics here and just a really cute picture of our nephew Kameron. We will also be posting some great shots of Lindsay's "cankles" soon. She will now answer to a variety of names including "Coffee Cans" and "Hills Bros", sometimes I just call her "Maxwell" for short. I crack myself up! In other news, we just bought a new vehicle to further complete our descent, or ascent, depending on how you look at it, further into mainstream suburbia. Yup, it's an SUV. Older and bad on gas. I couldn't be happier. We are, however, saving fifteen dollars a month on car insurance and we didn't even need to switch to Geico. I can feel Caleb all the time now and we can see him moving through Lindsay's shirt. It's pretty neat. He is over sixteen inches long and weighs about 3.5 pounds. Lindsay's doing well and keeps getting bigger. The midwife says she's measuring four centimeters above average, so Caleb's just really big or we're farther along than we thought! Only nine more weeks to go! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I've had some cabinet and flooring work lately so that has been a blessing and I'm still working four nights a week at Market Street Grill so I've been eating really well! On a sadder note, we had to make the hard but necessary decision to get rid of Bruiser and Bailey. :-( With the new baby on the way and the long hours we're working there just wasn't the time to give them the attention and the excercise they needed, and after Caleb comes, it's not like we are going to have more time on our hands! The people who bought them came by yesterday to pick them up and we're happy that they'll still get to be together. Lindsay had to do the dirty job of giving them away because I was at work. I would have lied and said I had work even if I didn't anyway! She was pretty upset and promptly went out and bought a four dollar fish at PetSmart for company and to heal the wounds. I named him Bubbles because of the bubbles on his $1.99 plastic fish bowl and Lindsay named him Betta. Because he's a Betta Fish. He's very pretty and we love him. Too bad they only live a couple of months. Thats about all from here. Happy Mothers Day to whom it may concern. We love you all!

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