Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mt. Megunticook Hike on Mother's Day 2008

For Mother's Day, we decided to take a hike and invited Michelle, Lisa and Hannah to come along. Lisa couldn't make it, and Hannah was fighting a cold, but Michelle drove over from Kingfield. We climbed Mount Megunticook in Camden. The trail started off pretty steeply, but moderated and had some fantastic views along the way. Hiking up a steep part of the trail....
As you can see; the view was well worth the hike! This is the top of the Scenic Trail.
Here's Meg crossing a bridge...this part of the trail was both the start and finish of our hike.

More Mount Megunticook

What you see pictured here is the Maiden Cliff Trail.

The story behind the Maiden Cliff Trail is that a young girl fell off these cliffs back in 1864. The cross was constructed then and has been maintained (and replaced, I'm sure) since then....we didn't go very close to the edge, but it must be quite a dropoff!

These are wild blueberry plants in bloom....come mid-July the berries will be ripe for the picking!

Camden Harbor 2008

You can't beat the view overlooking Camden Harbor! After our hike we went down into Camden and enjoyed the beautiful, sunny day.

The Camden Library is opened on Sundays, and they have this really neat outdoor kid's garden area. As you can see here, the stone benches are supported by volumes of children's books, written by Maine authors. Here you can see Island Boy and Miss Rumphius by Barbara Clooney....all time favorites in our house!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Springli's Visit

Last weekend Springli was home to pick up her new car. Well, not exactly new, but new for her. It had become apparent that it was time to retire the Daewoo. and our mechanic, Jay, found her a great deal on a Honda Accord. We didn't take a picture of it, but suffice it to say it is a 4 door sedan that looks very much like many of the government cars driving around DC, except for her MOONROOF!

Anyway, she flew up on Friday night and didn't leave until Sunday morning, so we had a nice visit.

On Sataurday we went to lunch at Flatbread's in Portland, a neat restaurant on the waterfront. We then took a walk around the Old Port and came across this schooner. It was a bright, sunny day, but still chilly, and obviously pretty windy.

A visit home in early spring wouldn't be complete without a dish of cottage cheese and chives from the garden. Springli thoroughly enjoyed it! We've had a typical Maine spring so far....some 60 degree days, but still alot of high 40 and low 50 degree ones as well. Hope is in the air though, the daffodils and forsythia have bloomed, and the rhododendron should bloom momentarily.

Belly Pics and Stuff

Greetings from Utah County Utah where winter never ends. It snowed on May 1st. It's so great to have four seasons again:-) We got some belly pics here and just a really cute picture of our nephew Kameron. We will also be posting some great shots of Lindsay's "cankles" soon. She will now answer to a variety of names including "Coffee Cans" and "Hills Bros", sometimes I just call her "Maxwell" for short. I crack myself up! In other news, we just bought a new vehicle to further complete our descent, or ascent, depending on how you look at it, further into mainstream suburbia. Yup, it's an SUV. Older and bad on gas. I couldn't be happier. We are, however, saving fifteen dollars a month on car insurance and we didn't even need to switch to Geico. I can feel Caleb all the time now and we can see him moving through Lindsay's shirt. It's pretty neat. He is over sixteen inches long and weighs about 3.5 pounds. Lindsay's doing well and keeps getting bigger. The midwife says she's measuring four centimeters above average, so Caleb's just really big or we're farther along than we thought! Only nine more weeks to go! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I've had some cabinet and flooring work lately so that has been a blessing and I'm still working four nights a week at Market Street Grill so I've been eating really well! On a sadder note, we had to make the hard but necessary decision to get rid of Bruiser and Bailey. :-( With the new baby on the way and the long hours we're working there just wasn't the time to give them the attention and the excercise they needed, and after Caleb comes, it's not like we are going to have more time on our hands! The people who bought them came by yesterday to pick them up and we're happy that they'll still get to be together. Lindsay had to do the dirty job of giving them away because I was at work. I would have lied and said I had work even if I didn't anyway! She was pretty upset and promptly went out and bought a four dollar fish at PetSmart for company and to heal the wounds. I named him Bubbles because of the bubbles on his $1.99 plastic fish bowl and Lindsay named him Betta. Because he's a Betta Fish. He's very pretty and we love him. Too bad they only live a couple of months. Thats about all from here. Happy Mothers Day to whom it may concern. We love you all!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Trip to DC

Near the end of March we (Meg, Greg & Hannah) took a trip to DC to see Marya, Ben, David, and Springli. One of the thimgs that we did was to help David put together his new tricycle.

We played outside at the sand table too.

On Friday evening we went to Springli's grappling class. Hannah is giving Springli a couple of pointers.

Washington's Estate

We met with Martha Washington for a while.
On Sunday we all went to George and Martha's place at Mt Vernon
The line was kind of long so we decided to walk around and see what we could see. This a porch on the side of the building.
Riverside view.
View towards the Patomac river.
This one room cabin was the quarters for the farm manager. He was paid $135.50 a year plus room , board and washing