Caleb turned two on July 6th and we had a Thomas the Train themed party. He is obsessed with Thomas. He got a Thomas bath boat, a movie and a book that makes sounds and plays music along with the words. He also got two timeless classic books from Grammie and Papa G and a pair of much need pajamas. Thank you!!!
As you can see from his birthday cake and presents, Caleb is obsessed with anything Thomas. Every year Thomas the Train comes to Heber and the kids get to ride on him. Caleb was in seventh heaven.
Caleb and his cousins Kaylin and Kameron went fishing for the first time this year. Kaylin even caught a fish! It also has a park next to it so when they get bored they can go play.
There was a petting zoo at Thanksgiving Point, which is about a five to ten minute walk from our old house. We took Caleb there and got to spend the first sunny spring day in the sun.