So I didn't realize it had been THIS long since I posted. A lot has happened-the biggest thing I got a new job at Johnson&Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Development. I'm working as a chemist and I really enjoy it. I'm also training for the Camp
Pendleton Heart Break Ridge 1/2 Marathon in Sept. I will be moving into Vikki and Barney's house for the summer and am very excited. Where I go after that I don't know. Here are some pictures of my life these past months.
Gracey turned 21 in early May. We had fabulous day of
margaritas, pool time and dinner. Sean and Josh-they're
Barbera and
Most of the table. These are the people I spend the most time with.

Haha-Mike, he is lots of fun.


Alex and I went to happy hour at a beach side place called Tower 23. Me being artsy

Good times.

I don't like oysters but they have them for $10 or less during happy hour (apparently a good deal) however they make pretty pictures.

Alex and I.

My model for the evening.


Katie, Stephen, Josh and I went to Jazz night. Good music, great company!

Josh and I making special faces-I win.

Miss and I!
Gracey and I
hangin at the beach.

So Hanny came to visit! It was a blast. I love having my family around. This bar had great sangria and cute bartenders!

Me, Hanny and Amanda

Sisters at

It is a good thing she is light!

Caught a great sunset.

We went hiking in Torry Pines. We thought we got lost so we had a mini photo shoot and ate girl scout cookies (we bought them to support the troops of course!)

Turns out we weren't lost at all.

Some of my people at the bowling ally.


Some young believers-
Frisbee golfing

So I love to dance and Mark does too. Here we are having some issues on who exactly is leading :D

Mark, Sarah, Jojo and I went to a country bar right by our house. It was
karaoke night as you can see some of the singing really wasn't that great:) We had fun.

San Diego was flooding(literally-cars stuck, roads washed out) during my birthday but my friends are amazing and met me out for b-day dinner.

Happy 26
th Birthday to me!

The aftermath of storms always makes for beautiful sunsets.

The pier got hammered.
Normally at high tide the waves do not even make it 1/2 way up.

Jojo flew to SD to participate in Breakthrough. She stayed for a few extra days (my birthday included). While she was here we had some great storms. I love the ocean when it storms.

I was the captain of a Breakthrough team in January. Dad was AMAZING and flew out to Cali to help out with the whole weekend. It was a great time. I LOVE MY DAD:)

Caught an amazing
SoCal sunset in early January. There are not a lot of clouds in the sky out here so I am always blessed to see them.

Carmody (friend from high school) and I at Christmas.