Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Time of Transitions

Well, where to begin. I am moving to San Diego CA on May 25th!! I am technically moving without a job or a place to live but I'm confidant that God will take care of everything. Perhaps I should back up a little. My friend, Katie, works at a laboratory doing biochemical testing for drug companies. She played the liaison for me and got me a phone interview. The interview went very well however due to company policy they are not allowed to offer me a job over the phone. Katie also had the inside scope saying that they really liked me and I was what they were looking for. I have a face-to-face interview on June 2nd. I also have a roommate. Sarah, Katie's sister in law, and I will be living together. I met her at Katie's wedding and she is wonderful. I have been looking a for a new place to go for a while now but as Rya said 'when you started this whole thing, I never thought you'd end up in California." I'm really excited to move to a new place and meet new people. However, there are things in VA that I will miss deeply. I am sad that I wont be living near Rya, Ben and David anymore. Rya and I have this habit of sitting on the kitchen floor and talking late at night--that is one of the things that strikes me most that I will miss.

Packing has been kinda crazy but moving along well. We just rearranged the house today :) I am so excited to drive across the country, it is something I have always wanted to do. I am planning on stopping to see friends and family in Cincinnati, Omaha, Fort Collins area (Uncle Matt if you're reading this, can I stay with you?? Haha, I will be calling!), SLC and I am also going to Sacramento to participate in a Breakthrough seminar. Then I will drive down to San Diego.

I also participated on a ACCD Team for a Discovery Seminar and it was spectacular. The people I had the pleasure of serving with were wonderful and I am saddened that our time is over.

Our fearless leader, Ray, dressed in mardi gras beads.

Oh Chiari!

Amy and Laura

Joanne talking with Sarah

Chad and Ray

AND one of my best friends from high school, Andrea Cluff (Quinn)had her first child, Aden Benjamin Cluff yesterday. I'm so happy for her and I get to meet him when I'm out in UT.

Andrea and Aden
Mrs. Quinn and Aden
He is so cute!

Wow, Andrea is a mom!

It is pretty amazing how so much transformation can happen all at once. There is so much going on but my heart has been at peace (minus one freak out day). I haven't taken a lot of pictures but I promise that there will be tons from my trip across the country. I hope everyone is doing well. LOVE YOU ALL!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Papa G & Grammie visit Utah

Caleb is one happy little guy! He has adjusted well to us being here and freely goes to either one of us. That's a nice feeling!

Yes, you do see four little teeth here.....Lindsay's predicting a few more soon the way he gnaws at things. He got a real charge out of "biting" into his little Gerber "puff snack"...he was quite proud of himself!

Eyeball to eyeball with a very big cow....he definitely was a little apprehensive. Seth and Lindsay live within walking distance to Thanksgiving Point which is a family destination for this part of Utah. The Dinosaur Museum is here, beautiful gardens, the farm center and much much more. We visited the Farm last evening. Caleb enjoyed watching the animals and the people!