Wednesday, December 10, 2008

December's post I guess

Earlier this fall there was a BJJ tournament in Portland that I didn't compete in but I went and helped out at it and "cornered" a few of my friends from class. Dan and Mike (aka Nebraska) both competed in their first tournament and did quite well. They both won their first match by submission which was very exciting. Dan took second place and Nebraska tied for third.

After the tournament Amie, who won her division for Gi no Gi and absolute Gi , took us all out in a Stretch Hummer Limo!!! It was lots of fun! We went to dinner and then drove around to the bars in the Old Port. This is Amie and me with our instructor Bruce. Bruce could only come out with us for a little while because he was having 6 boys between the ages of 8-12 for a sleepover that night with his sons. So we took pity on him and took the boys out in the limo with us for awhile.

This next one is later that night after we had dropped the kids off. Amie, Juan, Brian (Amie's brother in law) and me. I could seriously get used to riding around in a limo and not having to worry about who's driving or where to find parking!!!

My friend Erin, who is living in NC, came home to visit for a week before Thanksgiving. This is Erin, Megs and me out at the Great Lost Bear, a local restaurant and brewery that Megs works at. They have some great micro brews and over a 100 beers on tap. It's def a fun place to go, but only if you're not in a hurry :)

This is me and Juan at the Bear a few days before he left on deployment for Quitar.

A very random picture that was still on my camera from this summer. It's a tomato from Mom and Dad's garden, and it's almost as big as my head!!!