Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hodge-podge of my Life

We all went to a Wizzards game one night-we won:)

As some of you know, I went to the Kentucky Derby this year. Here Tina and I are all dressed up. It was really windy and I lost my hat multiple times.

So it poured for the fillies but it was still a blast!

This is me, Derek and Amy. Amy has a become a close friend. We meet in Thai boxing class...she is a upstate NY girl. She grew up in a town with no stop light and she cracks me up!

Grave of a World War II solider in Arlington National Cemetary. Memorial Day weekend is the only time that flags are allowed on graves in the cemetary-that is a whole lota flags! It was a beautiful day and the grounds are quite stunning and peaceful. Amy and I also made it in time for the changing of the gaurd at the Tomb of the Unknown.

On Memorial Day Amy and I went around to various sites in DC. This is the Marine Memorial. We also found a bell tower that was donated to the US from the Netherlands as a thank you. It has summer bell concerts-we wound up being present for a concert-it was really cool.

Amazing sky I saw one night driving to Amy's house.

My grappling instructor, Seph Smith(the one grinning)...he LOVES his job.

YYLC Staff kicking Council C's butt in volleyball

Justin and I all dolled up:) I forgot a dress but Ashely was fabulous and let me borrow one of hers.
Two of the Foxxy Ladies-We're giving the camera a lil bit of sass/not ready. Jay Kim is looking at a peanut on the ground.
John and I are bright eyed and bushy tailed after very little sleep-he wants to be an Xs model:)

Well tons has happened since my last post but in general life is going well. I just got back form visiting friends at YYLC. Oh, and Diamond has a girlfriend! Her name is Pamela and they now hold hands-haha. My job has moved to Leesburg VA and my commute has gone from bad to worse-bleck. I am def looking for a new job right now, 4 hrs of driving for a job is no good. My thai boxing and grappling classes are going really well. I enjoy them a lot and they are helping me get in shape! I've lost about 17lbs and about 4 pant sizes. Although, I still need to start running because I am running the Army 10 Miler in Oct. The summer is flying by and I am really excited to come home next month. I have found a fellowship that I would like to go to but because of work and travel I haven't been able to do that yet. I am trying to sell the Daewoo (I haven't forgot Daddy!) and getting over a severe case of an off strain of Strep. My throat was oh so beautiful. The weather hasn't been tooooo terrible; it is starting to get humid. Rya got Ben a hammock for their 5 yr anniversery and I'm excited to try it out-after Ben and if David will share it:) Other than that these pictures are just a smattering of what has been going on in my life for the past few months. Hope all is well with everyone!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Our trip to St. George

Last week we went down to St. George with Lindsay's family. It is in the southwest corner of Utah, about 4 hours from Salt Lake. We spent a day boating and a day hiking at a park called Red Cliffs. As you can see, Lindsay is huge, but she managed to keep up! She's such a trooper! Only 4 more weeks to go.